Friday, September 12, 2008

Three Penny Opera (1931); 10/22, 10/23; 7:15pm


Three Penny Opera
Weds. Oct 22nd & Thurs. Oct. 23rd; 7:15pm

The Academy of Music Theatre

G.W. Pabst • 1931 • Germany

Runtime: 1 hr 52 mins

Classic adaptation of Bertolt Brecht/Kurt Weill musical set in the 19th century London underworld. Mackie, the head of criminals falls in love with Polly, the daughter of Peachum, king of the beggars. Both Peachum and Mackie’s mistress, Jenny, attempt to break up the happy couple and send Mackie to the gallows. A brilliant satire of crime & capitalism in which it is impossible to tell them apart. Pabst’s stylized use of sets & lighting make this one of the only expressionist musicals.

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