Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Last Year at Marienbad; 11/12, 11/13; 7:15pm


Last Year at Marienbad

Weds. Nov. 12th; Thurs. Nov. 13th; 7:15pm

The Academy of Music Theatre
Allain Resnais • 1961 • Italy

As ominous organ music resounds, the Scope camera tracks through the seemingly endless halls of a baroque grand hotel — alternately thronged with tuxedoes and gowns or echoingly deserted — as Giorgio Albertazzi tries to persuade an initially disbelieving Delphine Seyrig (in gowns by Chanel — Coco herself!) that they’d met the year before, even as the sepulchral Sacha Pitoëff (her husband?) hovers about, continually beating all comers in a kind of pick-up-sticks game.

“To this day I don’t understand Last Year at Marienbad, but I think it’s beautiful, and I’m intrigued by it.”
– Francis Ford Coppola, January 2008

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